State-level Climate Advocacy - a roundtable presented by Quaker Earthcare Witness on Feb. 22. Featuring FCLCA's consultant Jim Lindburg. Register here.
FCNL Urgent Action Changemaker Event on Migration Rights. Feb. 19. Register here.
WEBINAR from Fossil Free California on Feb. 24: Environmental Justice Intersections: Divestment and Neighborhood Drilling
Immigrant Day of Action Conference and Rally - April 8 Register
Immigrant Day of Action Advocacy Day - April 9 Register
Check out the FCL Education Fund News and Analysis page for information on current issues facing California and visit the Resources page for info on the legislative process
Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026 Introduced in Legislature
Action Needed: Protect SNAP from Harmful Cuts!
Oppose federal bill to cut funds to sanctuary cities
Tell Congress not to cut Medicaid!
Tell Congress: Mass Deportation is not the Answer
Tell Congress: Protect Health Care and Food Assistance
Tell Congress: Repeal the Alien Enemies Act - Stop Deportations!
ACTION ALERT: Ask Gov. Newsom to commute CA death sentences
Take action today to support universal clemency. (Also see the FCL Education Fund background piece on clemency here.)
Sign the petition: Shut Down NORCO Prison!
Sign on to support health care access for all, regardless of immigration status.
Reminder: You can look up information on bills here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/
Useful Tips:
Read how the legislative process works - the lifecyle of a bill